The Journey of Integrating Technology

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

EDUC 7105 Module 1 Blog Post

In an article by George Siemens (2008), he defines the metaphors of educators as a master artist, network administrator, concierge, and curator. As a master artist, educators lead students through online tools such as blogs to provide them with information and offer a shift of perspectives, as well as allowing students to learn from each other. Educators as network administrators guide students in forming connections and learning networks to meet learning objectives and critically evaluate sources. As a curator, educators should serve dual roles by having advanced knowledge to provide to students, along with guiding and encouraging learner exploration.
The most important role I believe an educator should play in a digital classroom or the workplace is as a concierge. In this role, educators should provide quick access to resources and serve as tour guides to students. Siemens (2008) explains how learning is shifting “towards more learner designed programs of study,” (p. 16) which will require students to learn more on their own with only guidance from teachers. It is important in a digital classroom for students to have more access to more resources and communication with teachers as they are guided through the learning process.

In the following video, Dr. Ashley Casey (2011) describes his role as a teacher as a facilitator of learning, and shows an example of how he applies this concept in secondary school physical education. He emphasizes the importance of students communicating with each other, and facilitates learning through guidance. The students are asked questions based on what they think, rather than the teacher always telling the problem. He facilitates their learning by allowing the students to solve their own problems and learn from their mistakes. I find this role to be ultimately important for instructors so that students begin to guide their own learning and gain critical thinking and problem solving skills.

The following website ( ) I located gives five metaphors for educators different than those explained by Siemens (2008). Clarken (1997) explains how teachers are parents, gardeners, prophets, pearl oysters, and physicians. I often feel like a little bit of all of these roles.


Casey, A. (2011). Cooperative learning: teacher as facilitator. Retrieved from  

Clarken, R.H. (1997). Five metaphors for educators. Retrieved from

Siemens, G. (2008, January 27). Learning and knowing in networks: Changing roles for educators and designers. Paper presented to ITFORUM. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tiffany,

    I enjoyed reading your post! I especially liked Dr. Casey's video in which he states that he is a facilitator of learning. It is very important how the content is delivered. Anyone can get up in front of a class and regurgitate information. A facilitator of learning encourages students to think for themselves, and take responsibility for their own learning. He encourages students to collaborate and gain understanding based on prior experience and knowledge. I think it is very important for teachers to build upon prior knowledge, so that students may gain new knowledge. It means more to students to be able to find out information on their own, rather than to have it given to them. When students learn on their own through collaboration and technology, their thinking stick. The knowlege that they have gained will remain with them.

    Great post!

